
The season of Lent begins March 5.


On Ash Wednesday from 11:30am to 12:30pm in our parking lot we will provide an opportunity for anyone in the community who would like to stop by and receive ashes on their forehead. Please park in a space and we will come out to your vehicle.

Evening worship service at 7:00pm with Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion

Weekly Sunday Worship at 10:30am

You are always welcome to come and worship with us on Sundays at 10:30am. Coffee/refreshments after the service at least twice monthly. Our facilities are fully accessible.

Adult Bible Classes & Book/Film Discussions

Food Pantry Collections during worship on the 3rd Sunday of each month

We provide meals for Project Hope for the Homeless and support other local charities

Facebook Messages by Pastor Dave Thielo

Visit Christ Lutheran’s Facebook page to view videos of several messages created by our pastor based on past sermons. While you’re there, click “Like” to follow our page.

TOGETHER WE use our spiritual gifts to
WORSHIP and praise God,
GROW in Christ,
EQUIP our members for ministry, and
REACH OUT in the world to help others

Visit Us — You’re Always Welcome!

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